Communication at Grace

Communication in a church encompasses a variety of interactions and exchanges among its members, leaders, and the broader community.  And if you haven’t noticed, Grace is a busy church! While we strive to effectively communicate information, it is common as church staff to hear, “Wow - I never knew this event was happening!” Here are ways we as Grace staff communicate with our Grace family.

Event Sharing. Communication of logistical information such as service times, events, programs, and community outreach initiatives is shared using the following avenues:

• Sunday Morning Bulletins include upcoming events, news, and prayer list.

• Sunday Morning Announcements highlight special events.

• Ministry Moment Videos highlight an event during Sunday morning worship and are available on YouTube & Facebook soon after.

• Wednesday Emails include Sunday service information, upcoming events, and other news. Friday emails include Sunday service times, who is serving, and our weekly calendar. Sign up for our emails at

• Grace Youth Ministry updates are sent via email pal and text pal weekly. To sign up, contact Anne Marie Monroe.

• Children & Family Ministry and Older Wiser Lutheran (OWLs) updates are sent via email weekly and as needed. To sign up, contact Jill Wingard.

• Sign-up Station is located in the lobby and includes events and sign-up information.

• Facebook Events highlight upcoming events at

• Grace Website lists Sunday service times as well as Lent & Advent services at

Spiritual Communication: This involves sharing beliefs, values, and spiritual insights. It's about conveying the core message of faith and nurturing spiritual growth among the congregation.

• Ground Up Faith, Pastor Jonathan’s blog, is available to listen to at

• Facebook shares inspirational messaging at

• Grace Youth Ministry Board in Narthex shares student reflections and faith formation highlights.

Community Building: We encourage our Grace family to be part of the Hendersonville community! Check out our Community Board located outside of Fellowship Hall for events not affiliated with Grace.

Leadership Communication: Church leaders communicate their vision, goals, and plans for our community.

• Grace’s Council Board located outside of Fellowship Hall includes a copy from our latest council packet, a picture directory, and our Grace Standing Ministry Leaders contact list.

• Grace’s Strategic Plan is coming soon and will be posted when available.

Outreach: Communication in a church extends beyond its walls to reach out to the wider community, including our homebound members. This involves sharing the message of faith though our mailed blog, the service of banquet bearers, and pastoral visitation.

Want to connect about an event? Here is a list of staff and the ministries that they oversee:

Adult Ministry / Christian Education - Pastor Jonathan Schnibben

Building and Grounds - Greg Dodd

Children, Youth, Family - Anne Marie Monroe & Jill Wingard

Congregational Care - Pastor Christina Auch

Evangelism - Pastor Jonathan Schnibben

Finance - Pastor Jonathan Schnibben Hospitality - Greg Dodd

Justice and Advocacy - Kimberly Dunbar

Personnel - Pastor Jonathan Schnibben

Preschool - Beth Ann Lehr

Social Ministry - Kimberly Dunbar

Worship and Music - Burton Bumgarner

Overall, communication in a church plays a vital role in connecting people, sharing beliefs, nurturing faith, and serving the community in various ways. It serves as a vehicle for building relationships, fostering growth, and fulfilling the mission of Grace.

Jolie Herman, Director of Communications & Executive Assistant

Weekly Emails

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